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Praise the Lord Saints,

We are 1 day away from commencing our new Daily Bible Reading Program. We will start with the Acts of the Apostles, reading only one chapter each day.  The intention is to read each chapter slowly and prayerfully, meditating on the message contained therein with a view to apply to our walk and minstry where possible.

Each day I hope to share a lesson or some thoughts from the passage assigned. 

Until tomorrow God's willing, please review the following introduction:



The Book of Acts is the one historical book of the New Testament. This book is the chief source for information concerning the early apostolic Church. It gives us an accurate record of the birth of the Church and the growth of the Church during a period of approximately thirty years.  

The New Testament is divided into four divisions as follows:  

1.   The Gospels - The record of the life and ministry of Jesus while here upon earth

2.    Acts - The history of the early Church

3.   The Epistles - Letters of instruction written to individuals or churches who were already Christians

4.  Revelation -The one book of prophecy in the New Testament  

It can readily be seen that if we desire to learn regarding the experience that the early Church had, we must turn to the Book of Acts. We cannot expect to find the plan of salvation in the Epistles.  It is in the Acts of the Apostles that we read about how a person can be saved.  

This book also gives us the right principles for revival and missionary work; it gives us a pattern for church government and lays the foundation for doctrine later developed in the Epistles.  

Someone has said that the four Gospels give F-A-C-T-S; The Book of Acts gives A-C-T-S  


  The date of this book is given to be 63 A. D. The reason for fixing the date here is simple: the Apostle Paul arrived at Rome  early in 61 A. D. and the book closes with a statement of “two whole years” of Paul’s first imprisonment. This places the book to be dated 63 A.D.  

 The book does not mention the burning of Rome in 64 A.D., the great persecution of Christians which followed, or the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Therefore, the book must have been written before these events.  


  Luke, the physician, was the author of this book. The author was a companion of the Apostle Paul and joined him at Troas. The personal pronoun “we” reveals the time Luke accompanied Paul (Acts 16:10-17; 20:5-21; 27:1-28). By the process of elimination, the author has to be Luke, for these “we” sections mention all of the other companions of Paul. Also, it is evident that this book was written by the same author as the Gospel of St. Luke.  

Luke was a Greek and not a Jew, for in Colossians 4 he is distinguished from them who are said to be of the circumcision. Luke answered the Macedonian Call along with Paul and later was in charge of the church at Philippi for about six years. He was with Paul during his second imprisonment (2 Timothy 4:11).  

The “former treatise” refers to the Gospel of St. Luke. The Book of Acts is a continuation of the Gospel and begins where the Gospel leaves off. Both books were addressed to Theophilus, who was undoubtedly a Roman or Greek officer with a Greek name. We know very little about Theophilus except he was addressed as “most excellent Theophilus” which tells us that he was a man of high rank, possibly a governor of some province. He also must have been a friend of Luke to whom Luke had witnessed and possibly even won for the Lord.  

Luke was able to write the latter part of this book through his own personal knowledge and experience. Very likely, he kept some sort of diary. For the Gospel of St. Luke and the first part of this book, he had access to the information that Paul and others such as Silas, James, Philip and his daughters, etc., could give him. 


  The purpose of the book was the same as that in the Gospels. In the introduction of the Gospel, Luke stated that his purpose was to give a complete and orderly account of the life and ministry of our Lord. He stated that he had traced the record accurately and that it was his purpose to give an accurate historical record. This was still his purpose in writing the Book of Acts. We should note his reference to the Gospel where he gave an account of what Jesus BEGAN to DO and TEACH. The Gospel gives the account of what Jesus began to do; the Book of Acts gives the account of what Jesus continues to do.  


  1.  Three Main Divisions   There are three main divisions to this book:  

a.   Chapters 1-5-The Apostolic Church, giving the account of her birth. The main character at this time is Peter.  

b.  Chapters 6-12-The Persecuted Church, showing how the Church was scattered. The main character during this period is Stephen, the first martyr.  

c.   Chapters 13-28-The Missionary Church, revealing how the gospel was taken throughout the world. The main character here is the Apostle Paul.  

Key Verse

  The key verse of the entire book is Acts 1:8, “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.”  

This single verse expresses the theme of the entire book. 

Lord willing,  tomorrow we will continue our journey through the book of Acts.

Feel free to share your questions or comments.

Have a blessed day.

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