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 Greetings Brethren,

Today's reading is Acts chapter 2.

This is the foundation chapter in this book.

The events as recorded in the second chapter of Acts took place on the Day of Pentecost. Pentecost was an event planned by God and prophesied in Leviticus 23. The annual feasts of Israel were the Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and then fifty days after the Firstfruits, the feast of Pentecost. The first fruits was a type of the resurrection of Christ (I Corinthians 15:23) and Pentecost took place fifty days after the resurrection which, of course, means that the 120 disciples were in the Upper Room for a period of ten days.

Think about that a little! They waited for ten days. The more we assess the methodologies that we use in the church today the more we realize how far removed we are from many of the practices of the early church. Waiting is not our forte in these modern and demanding times. We often have our worship services so structured and so time-focused that it’s so hard to experience a genuine move of the Holy Ghost. I am not suggesting that we abandon time when we gather for corporate worship. However, we must all reflect on these worship services and assess if we are truly open to allowing God to have His way as we often pray.

It is notable that all the major revivals since Pentecost that I have read about seem to have abandoned time regarding their services. Those who have spent time studying the Azuza Street revival that began in 1906 would have observed that there was an abandonment of time to accommodate the “moving of the Holy Ghost.”

The following quotation is taken from “Worship at 312 Azusa

"Street was frequent and spontaneous with services going almost around the clock. Among those attracted to the revival were not only members of the Holiness Movement, but also Baptists, Mennonites, Quakers, and Presbyterians.

An observer at one of the services wrote these words: No instruments of music are used. None are needed. No choir- the angels have been heard by some in the spirit. No collections are taken. No bills have been posted to advertise the meetings. No church organization is back of it. All who are in touch with God realize as soon as they enter the meetings that the Holy Ghost is the leader.

The Los Angeles Times was not so kind in its description: Meetings are held in a tumble-down shack on Azusa Street, and the devotees of the weird doctrine practice the most fanatical rites, preach the wildest theories and work themselves into a state of mad excitement in their peculiar zeal. Colored people and a sprinkling of whites compose the congregation, and night is made hideous in the neighborhood by the howlings of the worshippers, who spend hours swaying forth and back in a nerve-racking attitude of prayer and supplication. They claim to have the "gift of tongues" and be able to understand the babel.”

How many services have you been in where the Spirit truly moved and the service ended at the time scheduled?  

When last have you sung this chorus?   

" Shut in with God in a secret place

There in the Spirit, Beholding His face

Gaining new power to run in this Race

Oh, I love to be shut in with God.”  

"I found that whenever I really “shut in with God” time is forgotten … I literally become unaware of it.  I am sure that you can all attest to this too.

In Acts 1:13, it states that when they returned from the Mount of Olives, the disciples went up into an upper room. The Upper Room has a special meaning in a Christian’s experience. To have communion with God, we must be “up” and “above” the world and be “inside” a room with the world on the outside. Here, I am speaking of the prerequisite of our separation from the world and our consecration to God because where there is no separation there can be no true communion.  

The 120 who obeyed the Lord by tarrying were rewarded by becoming the charter members of the New Testament Church. The Upper Room speaks of unity. The 120 were in one place with one accord.

Five times we have this expression:

1.    Acts 1:14 - “with one accord” 2

.    Acts 2:1 – “with one accord in one place”

3.    Acts 2:46 – “with one accord in the temple”

4.    Acts 4:32 – “of one heart and of one soul”

5.    Acts 5:12 – “with one accord”

The impact that the early church (outside of their Spirit baptism) had was because of their separation from the world and their consecration to God and the UNITY that they enjoyed. A larger part of Jesus' focus concerning His disciples was to get them to see the mission of His Kingdom and devote their lives to its fulfillment. He made it crystal clear that He and His ministry must be number 1. When this is so we will put aside our petty differences and our peculiarities because we are all on “one accord.” Unity is still lacking among us! I don’t believe that we deliberately don’t want to be united, I think a part of the issue is that we have not been intentional enough to make it a reality. We disregarded fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters, and this has negatively affected our ability to truly have fellowship.

The mighty phenomenon of Pentecost attracted a tremendous crowd. The people were amazed and perplexed, not understanding what was going on. Some began to ask, “What meaneth this?” Others began to mock and accuse the disciples of being drunk. The disciples were drunk, but not as the crowd supposed. They were drunk, not on spirits, but on the Spirit.

Peter began his sermon with the words, “Be this known unto you. (Verse 14). We can divide his sermon into three parts:  

1. An explanation concerning “this” (verse 12)

2. A proclamation concerning “Him” (verses 22-36)

3. An application concerning “them” (verses 37-40)  

Peter told the crowd that this phenomenon of Pentecost which they were witnessing had been foretold by the prophet Joel. The Spirit was to be poured forth upon all flesh. Both men and women of all ages, cultures, races, nationalities, and classes may now receive the Holy Spirit.  

Peter stressed the sin of Israel in rejecting and crucifying their Messiah. He placed great emphasis on the resurrection of our Lord. Why? The answer is quite evident. Many thousands had witnessed the death of Jesus. Everyone knew about His death, but few knew about the resurrection. Also, His death was not unusual, for all men die. But only He who is divine could arise from the grave. To believe in the resurrection of Christ is to believe in His deity. To believe in His deity is to accept the atoning value of His death. Therefore, Peter placed great emphasis on the resurrection.  

What Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost was the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is the good news of what God did for man in providing salvation. This is the message that brought conviction to the crowd assembled.  

This is the reason why we preach and teach. They were “pricked in their heart” (Verse 37). This speaks of Holy Ghost conviction which is essential to salvation. A man must be brought under conviction; he must see his need and desire aroused. Then he will cry out, “What shall I do?”  

Here is where we are brought to the importance of Acts 2:38. Here are the keys that Peter used to unlock the door to the kingdom: repentance, water baptism in Jesus’ name, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. This is death, burial, and resurrection. It took these three to provide salvation; it takes these three to become a recipient of salvation. A man must be identified with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection.  We must not compromise the message because of the times. Obeying the Gospel is the only way to salvation. Let's teach and preach so that all men will know.

This sermon yielded many results:

1.    Three thousand souls were born again that very same day (verse 41)

2.    Every day after that souls were being saved (verse 47)

3.    The Church continued steadfastly in (verse 42):  a)    The apostles. doctrine (teaching) b)    Fellowship c)    Breaking of bread d)    Prayers  

4.    Many signs and wonders followed the ministry of the apostles (verse 43)

5.    Everyone feared God (verse 43)

6.    They sold their possessions and had all things common (verse 44)    

Preacher and teachers (that's all of us) must expect results when we minister. Remember that God's word is alive... it is powerful.

Much more can be said but I will leave space for your thoughts or questions.  

Have a blessed day and catch you tomorrow, God’s willing. 

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