Greetings Brethren,
Today we are at chapter 6.
In our reading today we find the Church faced with internal conflicts that could destroy the fabric of unity that they shared if the leadership failed to manage the situation. Let me just make this point now. When a church is experiencing exponential growth, ("...when the number of the disciples was multiplied..."). The mention of growth reminds us that the early church was organized. They knew how many were saved; they met together at specific places and specific times. Money and goods were collected and distributed to those in need. Sin was confronted and dealt with. All these indicate at least some level of organization.
Internal disagreements are normal, especially when a church is in its infancy. What is important is how these disagreements are addressed.
The Hebrews were those Jews more inclined to embrace Jewish culture and were mostly from Judea. The Hellenists were those Jews more inclined to embrace Greek culture and most were from all over the Roman Empire. It’s important to remember that though the titles Hebrews and Hellenists are used, these were all Christians. They were all from a Jewish background, but they had all embraced Jesus as their Messiah.
Some of the Christians from Hellenistic backgrounds believed that the widows among the Hebrew Christians received better care. This neglect may not have been deliberate, it could have been a result of poor administration or supervision. Regardless of the reason, this situation needed urgent attention.
The Apostles were very spiritual men but when confronted with this situation they didn't call for 40-days of prayer and fasting for divine direction. They quickly moved to put systems and structures in place to address this current problem and safeguard against any future reoccurrence. These were the servant leaders of God's Church, men who were given great authority but they never used this to "flex" their spiritual muscles and "lay down law and order." Consider their plan with me:
The Apostles had a PLAN. Leaders are expected to have a plan. When God called us He gave us a vision and a mission and over time He makes the vision progressively clearer to us. As leaders, we must never forget that we have a sacred responsibility to lead God's people to realize God's mission. As was said by John C. Maxwell, "Everything rises and falls on leadership."
The Apostles call the people together. They respectfully spoke about the problem. Ignoring the problem won't cause it to go away! Did you get that? Let me say it for the benefit of those who missed it. Ignoring the problem won't cause it to go away! Better yet, let me put that in bold letters- Ignoring the problem won't cause it to go away! We need to talk about the disagreements that are messing us our relationships.
The Apostles' focus was fixed on THE MISSION. They knew that they could not allow this issue to distract them from what was their most important duty to the people - praying and preaching & teaching the word of God. This they conveyed to the congregation along with a strategy to address the problem.
The disciples advised the congregation to identify seven men who will be tasked to lead this area of the ministry. They gave them the requirements but left the selection up to them. The qualifications described by the apostles focused on the character of the men to be chosen. The apostles were far more concerned with the internal quality of the men than their outward appearance. The idea behind being full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom is that these men were to be both spiritually minded and practically minded. This can be a hard combination to find. Did you notice the wisdom of this means of selection? These brethren who were having internal disputes were now told to work together to identify these seven men. To achieve this they had to have a conversation among themselves, whatever friction existed would be overcome and forgiven as they worked together. What a beautiful way to restore unity.
The act of "appointing" will be done by the Apostles. The final decision rested with the apostles. They asked the congregation to nominate the men (seek out from among you), but the decision really rested with the apostles. This was not an exercise of congregational government, the apostles wisely wanted and valued the input from the congregation. Though we lead we are servants first - servant leaders!
The seven men that were selected were brought to the Apostles for their approval. The Apostles laid hands on them after praying for God’s guidance.
Look at what happened after this matter was settled, "And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith" - verse 7. The result of the Apostles focusing on their primary responsibility was seen in the continued revival. Notice, "the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly." As leaders, when we are faithful to the ministry that we have received of the Lord we too will experience exponential growth (new members and maturity of existing members). Those of us who were called by God to the office Pastor and Teacher must dedicate ourselves to prayer and ministry of the word. If we are going to have first century type revivals then we must also follow the principles that were practiced by the first centuy church.