To: All Members & Guests
From: Pastor Gordon - Servant Leader
Date: December 30, 2021
RE: COVID 19 Safety Protocols
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you, from our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
As we approach the end of 2021, we can all testify that “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” I am thankful to every member of this Church for your commitment to the work and ministry of United Apostolic Church.
We are excited about seeing you and your family members in our final service for this year which will be held tomorrow, December 31 starting at 8:30pm. It will be a time of thanksgiving and celebration, as we reflect on the goodness of the Lord.
As we prepare for this great time of worship, I would like to remind you that the COVID-19 Pandemic is not over. There are still active variants including the Omicron variant which is presently the leading variant across the country. This variant seems to be transmitting at a faster rate than the previous variants. As a result, we must exercise due caution to keep ourselves and our community safe; however, we must not allow ourselves to be crippled by fear.
At UAC we take your health very seriously, as a result we will ensure that after every service:
1. The building is thoroughly fumigated with approved chemicals.
2. The sanctuary is vacuumed and all high-touched areas including all seats are properly sanitized.
3. Our hallways and bathrooms are also thoroughly cleaned.
4. The baptismal pool will be sanitized after each use.
Additionally, we recently secured additional sanitizing stations that will dispense hand sanitizer while taking your temperature. For easy convenience, sanitization stations are in every hallway and at the entrances and exits of the building. Masks for kids and adults are also available.
Members and guests who are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 are asked to stay home and view the service on livestreaming.
Members and guests are expected to observe all our safety protocols and to follow the guidance of our Ushers and Medical team.
God bless you and see you in Church!